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Show new changes starting from 11:43, 10 February 2025
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4 February 2025

     04:37  (ManageWiki log) [IllawarraFan (2×)]
04:37 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autoconfirmed: added rights (none); removed rights createaccount, editsemiprotected, mwoauthproposeconsumer, mwoauthupdateownconsumer; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (no editing)
04:37 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/user: added rights (none); removed rights applychangetags, changetags, sendemail; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (I don't want changing tags)
     04:31  Main Page diffhist −116 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Redirected page to Download More Breakfast) Tag: New redirect
     04:23  Download complete 6 changes history −6 [IllawarraFan (6×)]
04:23 (cur | prev) −5 IllawarraFan talk contribs (still like the space between) Tag: Manual revert
04:18 (cur | prev) +5 IllawarraFan talk contribs (use html big) Tag: Reverted
04:15 (cur | prev) +7 IllawarraFan talk contribs (fix for mobile)
04:13 (cur | prev) −6 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Undo revision 24 by IllawarraFan (talk)) Tag: Undo
04:13 (cur | prev) +6 IllawarraFan talk contribs (testing for mobile) Tag: Reverted
04:12 (cur | prev) −13 IllawarraFan talk contribs
     04:22  Download More Breakfast 4 changes history −27 [IllawarraFan (4×)]
04:22 (cur | prev) −23 IllawarraFan talk contribs (some space between) Tag: Undo
04:21 (cur | prev) +23 IllawarraFan talk contribs (html) Tag: Reverted
04:11 (cur | prev) −29 IllawarraFan talk contribs (does not work on mobile)
04:10 (cur | prev) +2 IllawarraFan talk contribs (fix for mobile)
     04:19  Download 5 changes history +101 [IllawarraFan (5×)]
04:19 (cur | prev) −5 IllawarraFan talk contribs (compatible with mobile)
04:16 (cur | prev) +45 IllawarraFan talk contribs (use big text)
04:14 (cur | prev) −13 IllawarraFan talk contribs (better for mobile)
04:12 (cur | prev) +72 IllawarraFan talk contribs (fix for mobile)
04:10 (cur | prev) +2 IllawarraFan talk contribs (fix for mobile)
     04:12 Move log IllawarraFan talk contribs moved page SELECT PLAN to Download complete without leaving a redirect
     04:10  SELECT PLAN diffhist +2 IllawarraFan talk contribs (fix for mobile)

3 February 2025

     23:14  (ManageWiki log) [IllawarraFan (12×)]
23:14 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgRCLinkDays, wgRCLinkLimits" for "breakfastwiki" (no need)
23:12 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgDefaultMobileSkin" for "breakfastwiki" (better)
23:11 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgDefaultMobileSkin" for "breakfastwiki" (mobile)
20:36 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgDefaultSkin, wgDefaultMobileSkin" for "breakfastwiki" (revert)
20:35 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgDefaultSkin, wgDefaultMobileSkin" for "breakfastwiki" (testing)
20:35 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgDefaultSkin" for "breakfastwiki" (testing)
20:34 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgAbuseFilterActions, wgRestrictionTypes, wgFileExtensions, wgTwitterCardType, wgDefaultSkin" for "breakfastwiki" (change to different skijn)
20:08 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/sysop: added rights createpage, createtalk; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (admins are writers)
20:07 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/*: added rights (none); removed rights createpage, createtalk; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (rm)
20:07 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/user: added rights (none); removed rights createpage, createtalk, edit, move, movefile, move-categorypages, move-rootuserpages, move-subpages, reupload, reupload-shared, upload; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (rm)
20:06 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/sysop: added rights edit; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (move edit right)
20:06 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/*: added rights (none); removed rights createaccount, edit; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (it is read only)
N    20:36  MediaWiki:Common.css diffhist +310 IllawarraFan talk contribs (creat)
N    20:27  SELECT PLAN diffhist +106 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "=Download= ===Download complete!=== Click [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ here] for more info")
N    20:25  Download More Breakfast:General disclaimer diffhist +93 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "This isn't a scam, there isn't a virus, it's just a joke website. Made in jest, keep smiling.")
N    20:25  Download 6 changes history +705 [IllawarraFan (6×)]
20:25 (cur | prev) −94 IllawarraFan talk contribs (move to general disclaimer) Tag: Manual revert
20:22 (cur | prev) −1 IllawarraFan talk contribs Tag: Reverted
20:22 (cur | prev) +9 IllawarraFan talk contribs (fix) Tag: Reverted
20:21 (cur | prev) +86 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added a note) Tag: Reverted
20:19 (cur | prev) +443 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added food)
20:15 (cur | prev) +262 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "=Download= Please select how many meals of breakfast you would like to download. One cannot simply download too much breakfast. ==1 MEAL== ===SELECT PLAN=== ==2 MEALS== ===SELECT PLAN=== ==4 MEALS== ===SELECT PLAN=== ==8 MEALS== ===SELECT PLAN===")
N    20:24  Download More Breakfast 4 changes history +71 [IllawarraFan (4×)]
20:24 (cur | prev) −94 IllawarraFan talk contribs (move to general disclamer) Tag: Manual revert
20:11 (cur | prev) +94 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added note) Tag: Reverted
20:10 (cur | prev) +19 IllawarraFan talk contribs
20:10 (cur | prev) +52 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "=Download More Breakfast!= ===Instant, Fast, FREE===")
N    20:09  MediaWiki:Mainpage diffhist +23 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Download More Breakfast")
N    20:08  MediaWiki:MainPage diffhist +23 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Download More Breakfast")